um bloque de missatges sem significado e pedantes como o carago se los putogoeses se substituiran.... per etiquetes individuals ganhávamos algo crear putogoeses enllaços no apareixerà en aquests queques? no rastrejar-lo enterra-lo...
dimarts, 6 de gener del 2015
Running the World without a Mandate The walls rising around us are beginning to look impregnable. But before we can decide how they might best be demolished, we must first recognise that the enclosure of the human genome is just a single cell in the privatised global prison the new regime has built.
He has also routed a dastardly attempt to compel us to accept a new regime, reinforcing our human rights. Were it not for his intervention, we would have been legally obliged by Europe to drink clean water, treat our employees fairly and uphold the ban on cloning human beings. But the Eurocrats, and their “charter of fundamental rights” appear to have been vanquished, and our cherished tradition of helping the rich to trample the poor preserved.
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Disproportionate responses to the feeblest threats are assisted by the private prison and security industries now seizing control of another fundamental asset: human freedom.